Tracy Weber received a Master of Science degree (with distinction) in Clinical Animal Behavior from the University of Edinburgh Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. She received her first dog training certification through the Northwest School of Canine Studies. Since then, she has obtained additional certifications through Michael Shikashio’s Aggression in Dogs Master Course, Fear Free Pets, Dr. Susan Friedman’s Living and Learning with Animals, and the University of Washington Applied Animal Behavior Program.
Tracy became interested in animal behavior when she lived with and loved a fear-aggressive German shepherd named Tasha. Tasha was whip-smart, sweet, and completely loyal. She was also fearfully reactive to children, strangers, and other dogs. Teaching Tasha how to feel safe and secure in her world was a twelve-year journey that changed Tracy’s life in every way for the better. Tracy’s passion is helping fearful and reactive dogs, but she adores working with dogs with all training needs!
Tracy uses force-free, reward-based training methods that set dogs up for success. She helps clients with a variety of animal behavior needs, including new puppy support, basic manners training, and more challenging issues, such as fear and aggression. She believes effective training builds communication between dogs and their humans, and she aims to keep dogs safe in their world and well-integrated in their homes. She doesn’t try to create Stepford (“perfect”) dogs, but happy and safe companions. She does not believe in using choke or prong collars, e-collars, or other common training tools that create fear or pain. She does believe in front-attach harnesses, flat collars, patience, and humor.
Tracy enjoys giving back to the community and helping animals in need. She co-founded the Humane Alliance of Rescue Trainers, a non-profit organization that matches no-cost training resources with shelter dogs in need.